Grade Prep

Welcome to Prep at St Albans East Primary School!


In the first year of school, we focus on building strong foundations of learning and developing the routines and skills required for our students to be effective, lifelong learners. Students participate in daily Reading, Writing and Numeracy workshops. Teachers use the Victorian Curriculum to plan these rigorous learning opportunities that reflect the needs, strengths and interests of our students.



Our Prep learners work in whole class, small group and independent situations to develop fundamental literacy skills including concepts about print, letter identification and sound knowledge, high frequency word recognition, decoding strategies and simple comprehension skills. Students have access to a classroom library where they can select texts for their personal book boxes.



Prep students engage in daily workshops to guide them through the beginning stages of writing. They develop essential skills around print direction, using letters to represent sounds in words, leaving spaces between words, handwriting, basic punctuation and simple spelling strategies. Students participate in shared experiences that provide the opportunity to hear new vocabulary and use it in their writing.



Numeracy workshops are a hands-on and engaging way for our prep learners to develop their skills in the three key domains of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Students learn to count numbers in sequence, connect number names with numerals and quantities, compare and order collections, create and continue simple patterns and subitise (instantly recognise an amount in a small collection without having to count). They explore two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects and measure various items using direct and indirect comparisons. 



Each term, students explore a new topic relating to Health, Science, History or Geography. The Inquiry process fosters curiosity in our students and encourages questioning, critical thinking and interpersonal skills.


Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

Our learners participate in weekly RRRR sessions. These lessons are designed to develop students' social, emotional and positive relationship skills.


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