Welcome to Grade 1-2 at St Albans East Primary School!
Grade 1-2 students are engaged in differentiated classroom learning environments with a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy. Teachers use the Victorian Curriculum to provide rich and meaningful opportunities for students to learn, refine and consolidate new skills. Student-centred goals are scaffolded with teacher guidance and practised in whole class, small group, and individual learning situations.
Grade 1-2 students participate in daily workshops which foster their skills in reading and comprehending a variety of texts. Students learn strategies for solving words and self-correcting when they make an error in their reading. They develop a range of comprehension strategies in order to make sense of their texts. These include visualising, making connections, predicting and searching for information. Throughout these workshops, students are able to apply and practice key strategies while building their independent reading skills and stamina. Students co-create their classroom libraries and are responsible for managing their personal book boxes.
Our Grade 1-2 students learn to write simple texts for a range of purposes, including to entertain, inform and persuade. Through daily workshops, our learners are exposed to a variety of spelling strategies and different types of punctuation. They learn to reread their writing to check for simple errors and make minor changes to improve the content. Students practise handwriting in order to develop a consistent, fluent writing style. Students are encouraged to write from their personal experiences and have their own Writer’s Notebooks to explore their ideas.
Grade 1-2 students engage in daily, hands-on Numeracy workshops to develop their skills in the three key domains of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Where possible, these lessons are linked to real-life situations to assist students in making meaningful connections when they are working mathematically. Students build on their number skills and work towards recognising, representing and comparing three-digit numbers. They explore and develop strategies for solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. Our learners use informal units to compare and order shapes and objects based on length, area, mass, volume and capacity. They collect and organise data and develop the language required to describe chance events.
Each term, students explore a new topic relating to Health, Science, History or Geography. The Inquiry process fosters curiosity in our students and encourages questioning, critical thinking and interpersonal skills.
Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships
Our learners participate in weekly RRRR sessions. These lessons are designed to develop students' social, emotional and positive relationship skills.
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