Family Services offers all Victorian families with children in primary schools the opportunity to consult with a school nurse in the child's first year at school and a referral and follow-up service is provided to children in all year levels.
This program is delivered by school nurses. It provides parents/guardians, teachers and nurses with an opportunity to work together for the wellbeing and educational progress of children.
Services include:
A health assessment of all children in their first year of school (with parent consent) which includes:
- information provided by a parent/guardian recorded in the health questionnaire;
- information from the teacher where there are school concerns;
- Testing of vision:
- A hearing test where suspected hearing difficulties are indicated by the parent/teacher/nurse;
- Clinical observations and examination as indicated by parent or teacher concern.
Accepting referrals from all year level teachers, parents/guardians and students where there are physical, social, emotional and learning health concerns.
Health assessment for students newly enrolled from overseas.
Follow-up of children with additional needs.
Information to help teachers understand children's health needs.
Health promotion and resource activities.
The school nurse will offer an information session to the parents/guardians of preparatory grade children to explain the health assessment and role of the school nurse.
For further information please contact:
Western Child and Family Health
71 Moreland Street
Footscray 3011
Ph: (03) 9275 7000