Grades 3/4

Welcome to Grade 3-4 at St Albans East Primary School!


At St Albans East Primary School we have high expectations for all learners. In our Grade 3-4 classrooms, students are encouraged to build independence, challenge themselves and take ownership of their learning goals. Teachers use the Victorian Curriculum to plan rigorous and differentiated learning programs with a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy.



Our Grade 3-4 learners engage in daily workshops which aim to strengthen text processing strategies and foster a love of reading. Students participate in a variety of approaches including modelled reading, guided reading, reciprocal teaching and independent reading. They develop an understanding of text structures and their purposes; and learn how language features are used to engage the audience. Students are responsible for co-creating and maintaining the classroom library and managing their personal text choices.



Our Grade 3-4 students learn to create well-structured, coherent texts for a range of purposes and audiences. Through daily workshops, learners develop their writing vocabulary and experiment with different language features in order to add detail to their texts. Students are scaffolded to reread and edit their writing to check for appropriate word choice, structure and meaning. Each student has a Writer’s Notebook where they are encouraged to collect ideas and explore their writing skills.



Students participate in Numeracy workshops to enhance their skills in the three key domains of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Students build on their number skills and develop fluency in working with numbers to 10,000. They learn to use efficient strategies for solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. Our learners use formal, metric units to compare and order shapes and objects based on length, area, mass, volume and capacity. They learn to tell time to the minute and how to convert between units of student. Students develop their abilities to create effective data displays and conduct chance experiments.  



Each term, students explore a new topic relating to Health, Science, History or Geography. The Inquiry process fosters curiosity in our students and encourages questioning, critical thinking and interpersonal skills.


Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

Our learners participate in weekly RRRR sessions. These lessons are designed to develop students' social, emotional and positive relationship skills.


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