At St Albans East primary school students participate in STEM (Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics) STEM comprises the specific knowledge, understandings and skills in each of these learning areas as well as the interrelationship between each of them. STEM education acknowledges that there are opportunities for learning to be delivered in an integrated manner that facilitates greater engagement in each of these learning areas. This approach enables skills such as critical and creative thinking, collaboration and communication to be deployed in a rich and authentic way.
Curriculum Content
Term 1 - Earth and Space Sciences.
Term 2 - Robotics, grade prep use Cubetto robots, grades one and two use Beebot robots, grades three and four use Lego robots, grades five and six use Sphero robots.
Term 3 - Earth and Space Sciences.
Term 4 - digital creation with an emphasis on coding and engineering with a focus on electricity.
Grade prep use computers and KidPix 3D to create an alphabet book. Grades one and two use Circuitscribe and use electric motors to create scribbling machines. Grades three and four use LED’s to make paper circuits, and use Makey Makey to code and create functional devices. Grades five and six use LittleBits to make advanced electrical circuits and Makers Empire for 3D design and possible 3D printing.
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