Welcome to Grade 5-6 at St Albans East Primary School!
In our 5-6 classrooms, we focus on developing confident, independent and resilient students with a growth mindset and a love of learning. Teachers provide a robust and challenging learning environment which is based on the Victorian Curriculum and has a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy. Students are encouraged to set and manage their own learning goals with the support of their teachers.
Our learners participate in daily Reading workshops to enhance their text processing and analytical skills. Students are encouraged to read complex texts with multiple themes and ideas. They develop their abilities in analysing text structures and language choices. Students engage in whole class, small group and one-on-one discussions to critique texts, share ideas and compare their opinions. They build on their comprehension skill in order to synthesise texts and confidently clarify unknown words.
Through daily Writing workshops, students practise writing imaginative, informative and persuasive texts for a range of purposes and audiences. They learn to use language features and make considered, precise vocabulary choices to extend ideas and add detail to their writing. Students are expected to continually reread their work and edit their writing to ensure it is cohesive and has accurate spelling and punctuation. Each student has a Writer’s Notebook where they are encouraged to collect and refine ideas and explore their personal writing styles.
Students engage in Numeracy workshops to enhance their skills in the three key domains of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Students in Grade 5-6 build on their number skills and strategies for solving problems involving all four operations. They make connections between fractions, decimals and percentages. Students learn to identify factors and multiples of whole numbers and create simple financial plans. They are scaffolded to solve problems involving units of measurement including time, length and area. Students practise interpreting different timetables and various data displays. They learn to use simple ratios, fractions, decimals and percentages to express the probability of events.
Each term, students explore a new topic relating to Health, Science, History or Geography. The Inquiry process fosters curiosity in our students and encourages questioning, critical thinking and interpersonal skills.
Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships
Our learners participate in weekly RRRR sessions. These lessons are designed to develop students' social, emotional and positive relationship skills.
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